Baby Gender Prediction App offers you to have all best-known ways to predict your baby's gender in only one app. We came together all of the best baby gender prediction methods into one application.
Our application includes :
Extensive Baby Gender Prediction Test
Baby Gender Prediction with Russian Calendar Method
Baby Gender Prediction with Chinese Calendar Method
Baby Gender Prediction with Maya Calendar Method
Baby Gender Prediction with Japanese Calendar Method
Enjoyful 'TRY YOUR LUCK' Option
Our differences from others:
Combining all ways into ONLY ONE APP
Enjoyful 'TRY YOUR LUCK' Option
User friendly interface
This program will help you to predict your future baby gender before ultrasound. But we should add that this methods are not scientifically proved. These method only gives you a chance to predict your baby's gender.
It's 100% free app.
Boring, confusing and insistent advertisements do not take palace in our application.
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